7 April 2021Published by Staff on 7 April 2021Categories NewsHigh technology runs on rollersPrix SVC Svizzera Italiana 2015 and interview with Lorenzo Domeniconi Interview.
12 March 2021Published by Staff on 12 March 2021Categories NewsModern times | The indelible signs of the pandemic – Play RSI
12 March 2021Published by Staff on 12 March 2021Categories NewsEntrepreneur’s Portrait – LORENZO DOMENICONI
3 February 2021Published by Staff on 3 February 2021Categories NewsCorporate missionCORPORATE MISSION
3 February 2021Published by Staff on 3 February 2021Categories NewsEnvironmental policy of GTK Timek Group Ltd.ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY
10 May 2019Published by Staff on 10 May 2019Categories NewsTraining course “From virtual to real representation: Fractures and 3D printing” for medical radiology technicians of the University of Applied SciencesArticolo-stampa3D-tecnici-radiologia_SVMTRA-2020
8 June 2018Published by Staff on 8 June 2018Categories NewsFirst medical course on “Additive Manufacturing” in the canton Ticinohttp://www.materialise.com/en/blog/first-course-additive-manufacturing-medicine-canton-ticino
31 May 2015Published by Staff on 31 May 2015Categories NewsSCHNEIDER-AMMANN AND CHRISTIAN VITTA VISIT GTK Timek Group Ltd.“Aware of the issues of the industry”: The Federal Councilor visited […]
7 May 2015Published by Staff on 7 May 2015Categories NewsGTK Timek Group Ltd. wins the “PRIX SVC 2015 Svizzera Italiana”Press release. GTK-Timek Group SA wins the SVC Prize of Switzerland’s […]